The series takes place one year after a terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas. A six-chapter prequel web-based series titled Dark Matters was released on July 9, 2015, to introduce the new characters and story lines. Plot Īccording to the official synopsis, the miniseries will 'reconnect with the basic elements of the show's first season' in which ordinary people discover that they have special abilities. On January 13, 2016, it was announced that Heroes Reborn would not be renewed for a second season.
On July 9, 2015, a six-chapter web-series titled Dark Matters was released to introduce the characters and story of Heroes Reborn. The series follows several individuals with special powers who are fleeing vigilantes but must save the world. During the 2015 Super Bowl, NBC aired a 16-second teaser promo for the series. Series creator Tim Kring returned as executive producer. Heroes Reborn is an American television series with 13 episodes which premiered on September 24, 2015, as a continuation of the NBC superhero serial drama series Heroes.